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Blog — Tarot

September 17+ 18th 2018 | Community Tarot Reading

Community Reading community readings Tarot The Hierophant universal wisdom oracle

September 17+ 18th 2018 | Community Tarot Reading

Collaboration community reading by @angelomalforms & @firmearteSeptember 17 + 18th 2018  One card pull from the tarot = The Hierophant THE 5TH KEY || THE HIEROPHANT  Preference for the outer forms of religion, the ritual, the creed, the ceremony. The importance of social approval, the need to conform to conform to society. In this pull we can see the many significances that theres always more to the veils. The crossed keys the gold key of solar currents and the silver key of lunar currents. The pillars of duality stand behind the Hierophant, the threefold crown representing the material world, the middle representing formative world,...

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August 14th 2018 | Community Tarot + Oracle Reading

community Community Reading community readings Healing judgement ORACLE Oracle Cards Oracle Deck Tarot universal wisdom oracle

August 14th 2018 | Community Tarot + Oracle Reading

Collaboration community reading by @angelomalforms & @firmearte 2 Card Pull | Tarot = Judgement | Reversed + Oracle = Healing Tarot = THE 20TH KEY // JUDGEMENT // Reversed By @angelomalforms  A life well lived, a work well done. Awakening, renewal. Legal judgements in one's favor. A change of personal consciousness, which is now on the verge of blending with the universal. The aesthetic drama of this pull beholds Gabriel emerging blowing his trumpet. Some spirits will see this as a sound of war and the day is Tuesday from Norse god Tyr a god of war. Not always an obvious physical war though one within ones self....

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August 13th 2018 | Community Tarot + Oracle Reading

6 OF PENTACLES Ancient knowledge Inner Awareness Oracle Cards Oracle Deck Reflection Rider Waite Tarot universal wisdom oracle

August 13th 2018 | Community Tarot + Oracle Reading

Collaboration community reading by @angelomalforms & @firmearte 2 Card Pull | Tarot = 6 Of Pentacles Reversed + Oracle = Meditation Tarot = 6 OF PENTACLES // Reversed // By @angelomalforms Present prosperity threatened, gifts are given but as a bribe. This pull can cross and cover you, the basis of the matter stems from our past. What have been your influences and what is your opinion of them? Think what do I really want? not what others expect of me or expect to be socially excepted by all. Though really figure out the source of your problems. Remember numerology is in all things. 6 represents the...

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August 11th 2018 || New Moon In Leo || Community Tarot + Oracle Reading

Community Reading New Moon Oracle Tarot The Emperor universal wisdom oracle

August 11th 2018 || New Moon In Leo || Community Tarot + Oracle Reading

August 11, 2018Collaboration community reading by @angelomalforms & @firmearte2 Card Pull || Tarot = The emperor reversed + Oracle = ARADIA Tarot || THE 4TH KEY || THE EMPEROR - REVERSED || by @angelomalforms Holding the cross of life in his right hand and globe of dominion in his left demonstrating through the feminine power of love can he balance spirit and matter. 4 is the number of the elements. this card being pulled in reverse gives us insight on the loss of control, injury to the ego or emotional immaturity. Bondage to parents, this bondage isn't necessarily saying attachment but in...

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Universal Wisdom Oracle Card Deck Review + Reading

Divination ORACLE Oracle Deck Tarot Universal Love Oracle

Universal Wisdom Oracle Card Deck Review + Reading

An in depth look at the Universal Wisdom Oracle Deck by Toni Carmine Salerno. 

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