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August 11th 2018 || New Moon In Leo || Community Tarot + Oracle Reading

Community Reading New Moon Oracle Tarot The Emperor universal wisdom oracle

August 11, 2018
Collaboration community reading by @angelomalforms & @firmearte
2 Card Pull || Tarot = The emperor reversed + Oracle = ARADIA

by @angelomalforms
Holding the cross of life in his right hand and globe of dominion in his left demonstrating through the feminine power of love can he balance spirit and matter. 4 is the number of the elements. this card being pulled in reverse gives us insight on the loss of control, injury to the ego or emotional immaturity. Bondage to parents, this bondage isn't necessarily saying attachment but in the sense of we have times when we say "I sound just like my mother" etc. we can become stubborn and set in our own ways unable to learn or except when we are mistaken. today is a day of introspection, let's locate our character defects why they surface and erase our negative influences.

Oracle || ARADIA
Let our day of introspection lead us down the path where we acknowledge that we are sensitive divine creatures of the universe who unfortunately have inherited past life and ancestral traumas. These simply are things that we must conquer & acknowledge in order to evolve into the next stages of our existence. We are allowed to find the things we do not like about ourselves, the real test is when we do so we cannot allow it to derail us from our path forward. I’ve said it before, honor the ugly in you. And then fucking release it. Allow it to fuck you up for a little bit but don’t let it consume you. You have to let these past experiences & traumas affect you and hurt you slightly in order for you to realize you never want to be in that position again. We are rewarded for the hardships we experience through spirit. There is no light without the darkness and The hurt helps us heal. Today as a day of introspection take time to simply acknowledge the parts of yourself that you truly feel are holding you back. Hold space for how some of these things can totally have been inherited into you ancestrally & through past life traumas. Find new ways of approaching these “setbacks” buy making a list today on the new moon. Healing and evolutionary progression is not a fucking race. Remember that everyone heals at different rates and you are a brave babe for taking the even smallest steps towards healing the many facets within yourself. Everything is on its divine time. Write out the things you want to release from your being and burn it tonight under the New Moon. With a black or white candle. After you feel you’ve released these things to the sky be gentle to yourself in any number of ways my doing something that makes you truly happy no matter how small.

Free daily community readings available also on instagram

Tarot Deck : Vintage Rider Waite 
Oracle Deck : Universal Wisdom Oracle Deck by Toni Carmine Salerno

♥ Donation/Tip ♥ PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.me/firmearte 

♦ FAN MAIL CAN BE SENT TO: FIRME ARTE P.O. BOX 5967 Sacramento, CA 95817

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