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Hey babes as many of you know we had a go fund me page created for my partner Angelo Vasquez and go fund me the company decided our cause is not something that aligns with their political views so we have had to move our crowdfunding to a simpler platform. This is a space where you can learn more about our campaign.

We have until June 18th 2019 to raise $9000


❗️venmo @Firme-Arte

❗️PayPal = firmearteonline@gmail.com
(please use the friends & family option) 

❗️Cashapp @ $FirmeArte

- Every day innocent people & children are incarcerated for crimes that they did not commit at the hands of our broken legal system. This campaign is for Angelo Jacob Vasquez a now 30 year old Artist, alchemist and healer. Angelo has been incarcerated since he was 16 years old for crime that he did not commit. He was unfortunately present and Witness to a horrific non gang related homicide. He was not the shooter and was simply present with no idea the kid he was with would ever be capable of such a horrific act, When he fled the scene fearing for his life he quickly went into the authorities to give his testimony, the shooter turned himself in and confessed soon after to the crimes and the authorities decided Angelo was just as guilty for being present under the barbaric NPC Natural And Probable Consequence Theory which states that if you are present when someone commits a murder then you share the same intentions. (This theory heavily affects women, children and people of color)

Now cut to 14 years later, after spending time in a literal hell on earth for crime they did not commit Former governor Jerry Brown passed into existence a Senate Bill 1437 Which makes the NPC theory illegal and will allow people who have been sentenced under it a chance at re sentencing. Imagine spending 13 years knowing that you were completely innocent and spending those 13 years thinking that you are going to spend every waking moment inside this penitentiary. There truly was no hope for Angelo & his familia for a very long time and we thank spirit and the universe for bringing upon us such a beautiful blessing through this Senate Bill 1437

- More info on SB1437

Angelos family & partner (Natali- owner of @FirmeArte)
have found themselves under an extreme deadline to be able to come up with the funding to get the next appeal we need through our new lawyer.  This is an appeal at a higher court level and time is absolutely of the essence as we have until 18 June. We have tried doing this through personal loans and have had no luck being able to acquire them unfortunately.


This Entire experience has been completely brutal for all parties involved and the sheer artistic and magical talent that Angelo inhabits is unparalleled and we truly believe in their ability to conquer the outside world and create an abundant new reality for themselves.

Angelos family & partner have fought tooth and nail to be able to come up with the funding for this next stage of this legal journey but have found ourselves at a stalemate and are humbly asking the community for help to bring this powerful wizard home to us. Help us fight this injustice.

When Angelo is released he will be met with many opportunities and a loving family and fiancé. He is a major part of the magical work that goes down here at Firme Arte & is a content creator for the bodega.

They share their powerful intuitive tarot skills often with our community and create beautiful works of art from behind bars, using homemade paint and the sheets they sleep on as canvas. He’s even made paintbrushes out of his own hair & pencils to satisfy his desire to create. They have also become completely enthralled with playing the guitar and have created some beautiful music while inside. Their desire to create  and help others heal through magick runs deep and we cannot wait to see the evolution a life outside of prison will allow them. They are here on this planet to do the work of spirit and alongside his partner share a deep rooted desire to change this world and help others see their true potential. Together they have found their purpose on this planet and couldn't be more grateful to have found each other at this seemingly perfect time. 

 Help Angelo have a chance to finally come home a innocent & free man after 14 years. No child deserves to spend the most formative years of their lives in such darkness especially an innocent one.

If you are unable to donate then please share this with anyone you can, if you have any resources you could share that would help it would be greatly appreciated.

All donations will receive a small art piece as a thank you from Angelo.

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  • Polly on

    Thank you Natali for all your efforts in this trying time ❤🙏

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