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WELCOME HOME @BrujoBeyondBars! Get 15% off all orders $20+ ends 9/22/2024 | Free shipping on all U.S orders $200+ Current processing time for orders can take up to 10 to 14 business days! 🔮🧿
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@BrujoBehindBars | Original Artwork | Bind Rite
@BrujoBehindBars | Original Artwork | Bind Rite

@BrujoBehindBars | Original Artwork | Bind Rite

Regular price $45.00 Sale price $75.00 Unit price per
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This is an original artwork piece created by Angelo V aka Brujo Behind Bars created on a either a cardboard like substance that he acquired from the prison kitchen, he finds very scraps around or the sheets that he sleeps on which are incredibly starchy and feel exactly like canvas along with various pieces of cardboard or scrap paper / back of notebooks that he is able to get from inside the prison. He uses found mediums for every piece and each piece of original artwork was created inside the walls of a maximum security prison using the upmost minimal of supplies. Truly inspiring


Angelos message about this piece

Title : BIND RITE - this piece represents Old Marriage 

Angelo has limited access to supplies to create his art. He uses various found items to create paint and also paint brushes. Many of his paint brushes are created from various sticks that he finds on the prison yard along with pencils that he attaches and binds his actual hair to create a paint brush. She uses various materials like shampoo, coffee, Kool-Aid, crushed up plants, the die from clothing plus magazines and also the colorant from various over the counter supplements like herbal ones and also things like Ibprophen and allergy medication. He is an incredibly talented and artist and you can tell he has a true desire to create and share his visions and his feelings while having spent almost 2 decades inside a maximum-security prison starting there as a child all being there innocently and knowing that A California court system including judge Veliza of Pomona Court illegally denied his right to be resentensed. As the actual perpetrator in the case who was also sentenced and took full responsibility for the crime has been released over two years ago and is now a free man well Angelo continues to do that man’s time the only reason why Angelo is still incarcerated is because his family did not have enough money to keep his court case open for 17 years unfortunately the actual perpetrator in the case had a endless supply of support from his family so his case was open and he was able to get transferred to juvenile court and become free. As you can tell it is incredibly infuriating to know that the actual perpetrator is released and has been free for two years while Angelo feels like he is rotting away and no one seems to care. This is a desperate time for him and our familia. 

About : @BrujoBehindBars is a brujo, artist, musician, writer & student of the occult. They have been a content creator for @firmearte for a long time & have in the past offered community readings for free to our community along with spiritual insights and downloads he shares with the community as a practitioner of the occult and a student of occult sciences. He has been innocently incarcerated for 17+ years from the time they were 16 years old. Now with new changes in Eliminating & reversing the barbaric law that was responsible for their conviction as a innocent child We are working tirelessly to bring justice to reign & see our chance for his freedom to happen in 2023

All funds from these paintings will go to Angelo & allow them access to safe sealed foods, hygiene, disinfectant and the ability to stay in contact with his family through calls & emails. Thank you to all who feel drawn to get a print! Many blessings!

Also! please keep in mind when ordering Angelo being innocently incarcerated is required that any money sent to him for his commissary he will only receive 50% of that money because the other 50% goes to something called restitution where he literally has to pay the prison for existing there for over 17 years innocently so please keep that in mind. We are pretty desperate at this point so we are selling his are at very low prices so remember he will only be getting 50% of that and also we have a section at check out where you can add a tip if you’d like to contribute any more to your purchase thank you to everyone who contributes we are deeply grateful and humbled by your love and support please share Angelo story to anyone who you think will help !