Spell Service | Bonfire Ritual | Valentine’s Day 2021
*PLEASE note that this listing is for the community Ritual we will be having on Valentine’s Day 2021.
This listing is only for the community ritual and will include a petition of your writing being burned in our bonfire that night along with a candle to represent you during the ritual. Offerings will be given in your honor to our spirits. This is a service for those who do not wish to have a physical product.
We also are offering a honey jar service on that day where the client would receive a physical honey jar to be used on their altar along with a feeder candle. For that service use this link HONEY JAR SERVICE | VDAY 2021
This is a community ritual that will involve a bonfire and the burning of petitions from you the client. Offerings will be given to the energies of Santa Muerte along with honoring the energies of Venus & Aphrodite
This is an intricate ritual and you will be be represented Buy one of our dressed candles lit in your honor, we will also burn your petition in the bonfire that we will be offering up to our spirits on Valentine’s Day. We will also place offerings on the community altar in your honor.
please note the service does NOT come with a physical item like a honey jar it is simply the ritual you will participate in.
Send the requested information to BossBrujx@gmail.com
To participate please provide your:
- Full Name
- Pronouns
- Birthdate
- Petition to the spirits. Speak you prayer.
- if your prayer involves another person please provide their name pronouns and birthday as well in your petition.
A ritual report will be posted in the form of a video the week of the ritual and will be posted on our YouTube & IG.